Oscars® 95 Best Picture Predictions & Rankings

Spencer Folmar
11 min readMar 12, 2023

It is Oscars® weekend and this is the biggest awards show in cinematic history! This is the most important ceremony to celebrate the long form visual arts. Film is the most influential and culturally significant medium in today’s worldwide society.

“Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it.” — Banksy

Whatever movie wins Best Picture Sunday night in Hollywood says a lot about society, buying patterns, film criticism trends, and cultural impact. It is said that the Academy’s awards ceremony can be out of touch with social issues and has lost relevance, but it is still the singularly most important moment each year in cinematic history. Films that win best picture often get a huge boost in sales, some films even re-release in cinemas. Win, lose, or even get nominated — this is the greatest honor for filmmakers.

As a filmmaker myself, I have taken watching and preparing for the ceremony seriously, almost religiously. I attempt to watch all Best Picture nominees (in theaters when possible, or the screeners I receive for various unions and guilds I belong to) so that I can have an educated vote. My family and I watch the…

